Découvrez les événements clés de la guerre et les histoires de celles et ceux qui ont vécu cette période majeure de notre histoire.
Leo von Poblotzki (10 avril 1921 - 14 juin 1944) est né à Altengrabow, près de Magdebourg, dans une famille critique à l...
Ottfried (Otto) Muthesius (21 avril 1921 - 25 septembre 1945), a été fait prisonnier de guerre en tant que sous-officier...
Le SS-Hauptsturmführer (capitaine SS) Michael Wittmann (22 avril 1914 - 8 août 1944) était considéré comme le commandant...
Bernhard Frerking (1er décembre 1912 - 6 juin 1944) est né à Hanovre. Il devient membre du Parti national-socialiste des...
En 1945, le pasteur de Roetgen a été l'un des premiers à être libéré par les troupes américaines. Il est l'un des nombre...
Le premier maire libre d'Aix-la-Chapelle, Franz Oppenhoff, a été assassiné par les nazis immédiatement après la libérati...
L'invasion de l'Allemagne par les troupes américaines a d'abord visé la grande ville d'Aix-la-Chapelle. Le 21 octobre 19...
#La grande histoire
Milena Bernabò was fifteen years old on August 12, 1944. She was rounded up together with other people and locked up in ...
Enio Mancini was six years old on the day of the massacre of August 12, 1944. He lived in the place called Sennari, wher...
In 1942 German forces began deporting Jews from the Lublin ghetto to the Bełżec extermination camp. No records were kept...
Leopolda Bartolucci was the only child of elderly parents. On the morning of the Sant'Anna di Stazzema massacre, she esc...
Adolf Beckert was a gunner in the 16th Panzergrenadier Division Reichsführer-SS who participated in the Sant'Anna di Sta...
Enrico Pieri, was ten years old on the day of the Sant'Anna di Stazzema massacre. On the morning of 12 August 1944, he w...
Genny Bibolotti Marsili was displaced from Pietrasanta with her son Mario. She was rounded up and taken to a stable in t...
Elena Guadagnucci and her son Alberto were living in Sant’Anna di Stazzema when the massacre took place. Elena was wi...
Don Innocenzo Lazzeri, parish priest of Farnocchia, fled to the church of Sant'Anna. The testimonies recall his vain att...
Cesira Pardini was the eldest daughter of a family of nine children. On the day of the Sant'Anna di Stazzema massacre...
Antonio Tucci was lieutenant in the navy. After the Italian armistice (September 8, 1943) he fled to Sant'Anna di Stazze...
On 24 March 1942, children from the Jewish orphanage in Lublin were woken up by German SS and police personnel. They wer...
Henio Żytomirski was a Jewish boy from Lublin who grew up during the Second World War. After the nazi occupation of Pola...
Rose Lipszyc was a Jewish girl from Lublin who narrowly escaped deportation to an extermination camp. A farmer she knew ...
Thomas Blatt was sent to the Sobibór extermination camp in 1943. He was one of only 300 Jews who managed to escape the c...
Anna Langfus was a Jewish woman from Lublin. She spent time in the ghettos of Lublin and Warsaw and worked as a messeng...
Szlama and Hena Zalcman were a Jewish couple from Lublin Region, who started their family in Antwerp before the war. The...