
Hollandsche Schouwburg

The Hollandsche Schouwburg in Amsterdam is a former theatre used as a deportation centre by the Nazis during the Second World War. Nowadays, the Hollandsche Schouwburg is a memorial site with a wall of names paying tribute to the Jewish victims. Over 6,700 names are listed on the wall. The site includes an exhibition dedicated to the Holocaust in the Netherlands.

The Hollandsche Schouwburg is a Jewish monument in Amsterdam. Between 1893 and 1942 it functioned as a theatre. During the war it was used as a deportation centre from which Jews were transported to Camp Westerbork en Camp Vught. From there they were deported to camps in Germany. By initiative of the Joodsche Raad children were separated from their parents when arriving at the theatre. They were brought to the crèche opposite the street. From here they managed to let six hundred children escape. Stichting Hollandsche Schouwburg bought the premise in 1947 to prevent it from being used as a theatre again. In 1958, it was decided to arrange the building as a monument. The facade of the house was renovated while the backside was mostly demolished. The hall of the theatre was turned into a courtyard where a memorial place, designed by L. Waterman, was established. In the Hollandsche Schouwburg not only an exhibition dedicated to the Holocaust can be seen, but also changing expositions.
Plantage Middenlaan 24, 1018 DE Amsterdam, Netherlands
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